Moving to Highlands Ranch, Colorado, Everything you need to know

Moving to Highlands Ranch, Colorado

Moving to Highlands Ranch, Colorado

Everything you need to know

Are you thinking about relocating to Highlands Ranch? Or perhaps you've made up your mind and want to know more about your chosen place? Whatever your current situation is, continue reading as we explore everything you need to know about moving to Highlands ranch, Colorado

Highlands Ranch, Colorado, is known to be one of the best places to live in the whole state. It has lovely pathways, unique neighborhoods, shopping complexes, and much more. Highlands Ranch has a population of 105,000 people and is growing by the month.

Highlands Ranch, Colorado, Location, and Background.

Highlands Ranch, CO is located just south of Denver in the southern metro area, about 30 to 35 minutes drive away, depending on traffic, about 15 minutes away from Denver Tech Center, which would be an idea commute for those working in either location or even if you want to go down for a bite to eat or drink. Highlands Ranch is a Denver suburb part of the broader Denver metropolitan region and the Front Range Urban Corridor. Littleton and Centennial to the north and Acres Green and Lone Tree to the east are among the other Denver suburbs surrounding it. Highlands Ranch also has a western boundary with Chatfield State Park. Highlands Ranch's boundaries are set by the US Census Bureau and have no legal validity because it is a CDP.

Highlandss Ranch spans across 15,548 acres, including 16 acres of water.

Background History

Highlands Ranch was built primarily in the 90s and started in the 80s. The north part was built in the 80s, and as the years went by, the build started to move south, with the majority being built in the 90s. Highlands Ranch's population has grown steadily during the last 25 years. Highlands Ranch, Shea Properties purchased The Mission Viejo Company in 1997 and proceeded to build the neighborhood. This included bringing a regional office of Lucent Technologies to the neighborhood, followed by Avaya Communication in the same facility. In 2000, the Highlands Ranch Library expanded significantly, and the Highlands Ranch Chamber of Commerce was established.

Highlands ranch, co is a HOA.

You may not like this, but Highlands Ranch is one big HOA.

HOA in Highlands Ranch costs approximately 155 per quarter; this covers many things. Such as the maintenance of Parks, and Open Space, the perks of the HOA are residents get access to four popular recreation centers in and around the Highlands Ranch, which are spread out on the North ridge, East Ridge, and South ridge, and West ridge. Each rec center has basket ball courts, swimming pools, racquet courts, tennis courts, and health and fitness gyms. HOA also gives access to snow removal and keeps the community spruced up all year round. Depending on where in Highlands Ranch, the HOA fees can increase and become expensive.

Parks and Open Spaces in Highlands Ranch, Colorado

Highlands Ranch, Co is packed with parks! All maintained by HOA in total, there are 19 parks ranging from small play area parks to much larger ones with multiple play areas, basketball courts, and picnic areas for families. With so many trail systems throughout Highlands Ranch, no matter where you live, whether in a condo or townhouse, there will undoubtedly be a trail nearby; you can walk along to visit the local shops, community, or a park.

House Prices and living costs in Highlands Ranch

Highlands Ranch's living costs are generally not higher than the national average. House prices, however, come with a pretty hefty price tag and tend to start from around $700,000, so basically not cheap like most places in Colorado.

Highlands Ranch School Systems

Highlands Ranch is part of Douglas County and the Douglas County School System, which is widely regarded as one of the best in the metro region and throughout Colorado. There are several high and elementary schools that are all highly ranked. There are also many private schools in Highlands Ranch, Co.

Some interesting statistics, Demographics of Highlands Ranch, Colorado

According to the most recent census, the CDP has 96,713 residents, 34,054 households, and 26,535 families. The population density per square mile is 3,986.5 (1,540.0/km2). There are roughly 35,167 dwellings at a density of 1,449.6 per square mile (560.0/km2). The CDP is 88.7 percent White, 5.6 percent Asian, 1.2 percent African American, 0.4 percent American Indian, 0.0 percent Pacific Islander, 1.4 percent other races, and 2.6 percent mixed. Hispanics and Latinos of any race made up 7.2% of the population.

There are around 34,054 homes, of which 48.0 percent have children under 18, 67.5 percent are married couples, 3.1 percent have a male householder without a wife present, and 7.3 percent have a female householder without a husband present. And 22.1 percent did not belonging to a family. Individuals make up 18.2 percent of all households, with 4.3 percent having someone 65 or older living alone. The average family size is 3.27 people, while the average household size is 2.84.

The typical household income is $104,411, while the median family income is $113,944.

Jobs in Highlands Ranch, Co

There are over 2,000 companies in Highlands Ranch, Co; however, not all locals work for these companies and take a short commute to Denver or other surrounding areas. Having said that, there are many opportunities within the corporate, retail, and restaurants sector for those wanting to work closer to home.

Weather and Climate in Highlands Ranch, Colorado

Highlands Ranch, Colorado receives 19 inches of rain per year on average. The average annual rainfall in the United States is 38 inches.

Highlands Ranch receives an average of 78 inches of snow each year. The average annual snowfall in the United States is 28 inches.

Highlands Ranch has 246 sunshine days per year on average. The average number of sunny days in the United States is 205.

Highlands Ranch sits at a comfort index of 8.9 with 10 being the best. So pretty decent weather all year round.

Pros and cons of living in Highlands Ranch, Co

Highlands Ranch is a fantastic Denver neighborhood that is ideal for many people. Highlands Ranch has clear advantages, but it also has some drawbacks. Would you be a good fit for this city? Our list of pros and cons will assist you in determining this!

Here is our list of five pros and five cons of living in Highlands Ranch:


  • Beautiful Mountain views, open space, recreation, and parks

  • Pleasant Weather with Four Seasons

  • Location Concentration

  • High Livability Rating


  • Colorado's Most Expensive Housing

  • Rapid Development & Traffic

  • Excessive HOAs


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