Moving for new parents

Moving Tips for New Parents

Moving can be stressful, especially for new parents who have to juggle the responsibilities of taking care of a newborn or young child while also managing the logistics of the move.

Here are some tips that may help you with your move.

  1. Start early

    Begin planning and packing as soon as possible to avoid last-minute stress. Create a timeline and schedule for the move, and make sure to give yourself plenty of time to get everything done.

Leaving tasks until the last minute can result in panic, rushed decisions, forgotten items, and overall higher stress levels. By starting early, you can spread out the tasks over a longer period, making the process of your move more manageable.

Here’s 5 Packing tips

  1. Color Code Boxes: Use different colored tapes or markers for each room. This will help you and the movers know which box goes where. Also, create a master list describing the contents of each box.

  2. Pack an Essentials Bag: Have a bag for each family member with essentials for the first couple of days - clothes, toiletries, medications, snacks, etc. Also have a separate box with kitchn essentials, bedding, and towels for immediate use.

  3. Pack Kid's Items Last: Pack your children's toys and essentials last so they're available for as long as possible before the move. Alternatively, leave out a small 'moving day' toy box to keep them entertained.

  4. Use Durable, Clear Plastic Bins: For items you’ll need right away at your new place, like dishes, cooking utensils or kids' favorite toys, use clear bins. They are easy to spot and unpack.

  5. Childproof the Process: If your children are young, make sure all packing materials (box cutters, tape dispensers) are out of reach. Be aware of small objects that could be a choking hazard. Finally, explain the moving process to them in a simple, reassuring way to make it less stressful.

2. Declutter

Moving is a great opportunity to get rid of things you no longer need or want.

Here’s 5 Decluttering tips

1. Start Small:
Begin with a small area like a drawer or a shelf. Once you've finished that, move on to another area. This will make the decluttering process feel more manageable.

2. Categorize Your Items: Sort your items into categories - 'keep', 'donate', 'sell', 'recycle' and 'trash'. Be honest with yourself about what you really need and use. Items that haven't been used in a year probably don't need to be kept.

3. Use the Four-Box Method: This method involves getting four boxes and labeling them: 'trash', 'give away', 'keep', or 'relocate'. Go through each room and place every item into one of the four categories. It's an efficient way to sort items and can help make the process feel less overwhelming.

4. Follow the One-In, One-Out Rule: This rule implies that for every new item you bring into your home, one item should go out. It helps to maintain a balance and prevent your space from becoming cluttered again.

5. Schedule Regular Decluttering Sessions: Decluttering is not a one-time activity; it's an ongoing process. Make it a habit to regularly reassess your items and declutter. It could be seasonally, monthly, or whenever you feel your space is becoming cluttered again.

3. Hire movers

Consider hiring professional movers to help with the heavy lifting and transportation of your belongings. This can help reduce stress and make the move smoother.

  • Hiring a moving company can be particularly beneficial for someone with a newborn or toddler. This period of parenting is characterized by increased demands and responsibilities, including feeding schedules, sleep routines, and constant care for your child.

  • Managing a move on top of these tasks can be overwhelming to say the least. A moving company alleviates this burden by handling the heavy lifting, packing, transportation, and sometimes even unpacking of items.

  • This service allows parents to focus on the needs and well-being of their kids, rather than the logistics of the move. By providing a safer and smoother moving process, moving companies can help new parents transition into their new home with less stress and more time for their new bundle of joy.

4. Pack smart

Careful packing ensures that essential items like diapers, baby food, toys, and comfort objects like stuffed animals are easily accessible during the move.

1. Prioritize and Organize:
With a newborn, your time and attention will be divided. Start packing well in advance, beginning with items you use less frequently. Save packing your newborn's items and other essentials for last, so you have everything you need for the baby at hand till moving day.

2. Newborn Essentials Bag: Pack a separate bag with all the newborn essentials like diapers, baby wipes, feeding supplies, clothes, and a few toys. This bag should be kept handy during the move and for the first few days in the new home to ensure the baby's needs are met promptly.

3. Set Up Baby's Space First: In your new home, prioritize setting up your baby's room or area. A familiar and comfortable space will help your baby adjust and give you a designated area for their care right from the start. This includes setting up the crib, changing area, and a place for all the baby supplies.

5. Take care of your baby

Make sure to prioritize your baby’s needs during the move. Keep them on a regular schedule as much as possible, and make sure they have plenty of familiar items and toys to help them feel comfortable during the transition.

  1. Maintain Routine: Babies thrive on routine. During a move, try to maintain your baby's normal schedule as much as possible, from meal times to nap times, despite the chaos around you.

  2. Safe Space: Set up your baby's space first when you arrive at your new home. Familiar items such as the crib, toys, and blankets will make the new environment feel more comfortable and safe.

  3. Quality Time: Moving can be hectic, but make sure to set aside some quiet, quality time with your baby each day. This can reassure them and offer a sense of normalcy amidst the upheaval.

  4. Keep Essentials Handy: Pack a separate bag with all of your baby's essentials, like diapers, food, clothes, and favorite toys. Having these items easily accessible will help you attend to your baby's needs quickly, even when everything else is in boxes.

  5. Ask for Help: If possible, have a friend, family member, or hired help look after your baby on the actual moving day. This will allow you to focus on the move, while ensuring your baby gets the attention and care they need.


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